I have knitted before when I was much younger but never really took to it then. I remember actually completing one jumper when I was going through my 'will only wear black' phase! However mostly I had half, or even quarter finished bits of garments never to be completed.
Scroll forwards several years to a time when my mother was in hospital briefly. My sister was knitting some socks from some amazing wool, using circular needles. She had some wool left over and another set of needles and started me off knitting some fingerless gloves.
I loved the pattern in the wool - it was a yarn by Drops that was multicoloured and built up a pattern as the glove grew - I felt so grown up! Also because it was a small project - amazingly I found that I completed it and even knitted the matching one! So I had a pair of fingerless gloves knitted by me! Again I loved how it made me feel - obviously at the beginning helping me to cope with my mum's hospital stay - but after that just another mindful activity to enjoy.
I too went on to knit several pairs of socks - even for my husband and boys. Also headband and wristwarmer sets. I haven't attempted anything bigger just yet - but watch this space!